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EFT Tapping. Releasing emotional blocks and limiting beliefs and restoring the flow of energy in the body.


What is EFT Tapping


EFT Tapping is a psychosensory modality to help address, shift, and release stressful emotions, traumatic events, fears, felt sense body symptoms, unhealthy habits, patterns and limiting beliefs that may be blocking you and holding you back in your personal life, career and/or relationships.

Emotional Freedom Techniques™ / EFT Meridian Tapping consists of simple self-tapping, holding or massaging with your fingertips on specific meridian points on your hands, head and upper body while focusing on a targeted psychological issue or difficulty. This helps to calm the nervous system (by sending a signal of safety to the amygdala in the brain which is responsible for the fight, flight, freeze, fawn or feign response), and restoring the balance of energy flow in the body.

Resilience is your birthright.
— Linda Graham, Author of Bouncing Back

Emotional Freedom with EFT for more info about upcoming Toronto EFT Tapping Groups.