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Gestalt therapy. Learning to live more fully in the present.


What is relational Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy (pronounced g -shtält, -stält) is a creative, experiential and present-centered approach with a focus on the therapeutic relationship as a collaborative process. It aims to help find wholeness and integration through becoming more aware and alive in the present moment, as well as free from the blocks and unfinished issues which diminish optimal growth and satisfaction. 

Relational Gestalt therapy is an experiential approach to psychotherapy in that it involves explorations and exercises to foster and support change as well as finding ways to make it more concrete, personal, and one’s own––enabling your capacity to make creative adjustments (new choices) within given situations.

Learning to experience yourself in the here-and-now is one of the most important choices you can make in moving forward in your life. It will help you to appreciate that by taking responsibility for how you feel and what you do, (increasing your moment-to-moment response-ability), you can be in charge of your growth, development, and wellbeing. 

This Relational Gestalt way of working was developed by Fritz and Laura Pearls in the 1950s and facilitates the experiencing of the whole self––helping you to get a better sense of the connections between your body experience, your feelings, your beliefs, and your ways of relating.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

J’offre les services de psychothérapie également en français.

Contact Danièle